The Virtual Gastric Band is a hypnosis program based on Sheila Granger’s clinical hypnosis trials, in which 95% of participants lost weight.
I have recently been certified in The Virtual Gastric Band technique, using hypnosis to help clients reach their weight loss goals. The early results I am having with clients are like nothing else I’ve seen with any other hypnosis technique. It’s truly amazing!
What Is Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis?
It is a non-surgical technique which uses the power of hypnosis to convince your brain that your stomach is full after you eat the appropriate amount. This will reduce your cravings for excessive food.
This is NOT a diet! The Virtual Gastric Band allows you to eat what you want while empowering you to be satisfied with smaller portions. You will not have feelings of being deprived, miserable, or hungry. This has the potential to be a long-term solution to any issues with weight you have been having.
The Virtual Gastric Band is your drug-free, non-surgical answer! A cost-effective weight loss solution, it involves no invasive surgery and no side effects or complications.
How Does Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis Work?
Have you ever noticed that when a baby is done eating, they throw their bottle down?
When you were born, you were born with a mechanism to tell your brain that it has had enough calories for one sitting. When you go through the Virtual Gastric Band program using hypnosis, you will reset this mechanism, allowing you to feel satisfied with just enough food.
The VGB program takes place once a week for 4 weeks. Many people report reducing their weight by 5 to 7 pounds the first week and a consistent one to two-pound weight loss thereafter.
One advantage of using the Virtual Gastric Band is that you can have as little as 20 pounds to lose, or more. There are no special foods to eat. Your subconscious mind will reset the hunger clock in your mind telling it when it has had enough.
You will be given a reinforcement MP3 hypnosis session by Sheila Granger herself which will continue to reinforce the Virtual Gastric Band process. The 28 day reinforcement period allows your brain to create a new neural pathway and reset your mind to accept eating small portions as “normal.”
Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis Sessions In-Person or Online
I have seen several clients in my office in Cheshire, Connecticut as well as using the Virtual Gastric Band Program with tele-video hypnosis online. Clients are having equal success regardless of whether they are in-person visits or tele-video visits.
It all starts with contacting us NOW to schedule a free 20-minute confidential phone or tele-video consultation to discuss together how using hypnosis and the Virtual Gastric Band will improve your life in more ways than you have ever dreamed possible.