There are so many kids having issues with anxiety today. In this post we’ll take a look at how hypnosis helps to manage it!
What Anxiety in Youth Looks Like
I recently had a young 21 year-old female patient who was having extreme difficulty with college. She told me she was taking a semester off because she could not handle her anxiety and panic. Another young man who is 22 year old and in perfect health, could not attend school, hold a job or look me in the eyes due to his extreme social anxiety. I also recently finished working with a 15 year old boy who would dry heave each morning before school because of his level of anxiety. Often not eating until dinner time to avoid vomiting.
The good news is that with each of these cases, they were all successful and feeling much better after just the first session. In fact, one mother even commented that her daughter had such profound results by using hypnosis and EFT after working with me for three weeks versus the year she spent with the same issues working with someone at her school, with little results.
My approach is to show young people they are in control and in charge of their thoughts, feelings and behaviors and by using hypnosis in combination with the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) they can get relief and take back control of their lives.
Factors Contributing to Anxious Youth
There are several factors that are contributing to the rise in anxious youth. First, there is a lack of community connection and support for today’s youth. In Western culture like the U.S. we have lost much of the community connection and support we once had. Lack of family farms, and religious and social communities have increased isolation with our teens.
Teens need more social support to reduce depression and anxiety.
Creating an environment in which young people can feel safe, form connections with other young people, and be successful, is the key to helping them recover their peace of mind. And if you’re the parent of an anxious teen, your love, support and connection is a critical factor in their success.
Sleep deprivation and insomnia is another issue.
Staying up all night staring at computer and phone screens, in addition to the constant influx of social media is not helping. It is important for kids to reduce their time with these electronics and get proper sleep.
Hypnosis works with the client’s unconscious mind. The results with hypnosis are amazing as we put their conscious mind on hold during the hypnosis session and work with their unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is amazingly resilient and acts upon the suggestions and directions given. The results are them being more relaxed, calm and focused. Most importantly, they are taught the skill of self-hypnosis and EFT, which give them tools to deal with the feelings as they arise.
Better sleep, more rest, improved confidence are all components that work together with hypnosis to deal with their anxiety so they can go back to enjoying being young again.
It’s time to give your young adult the calm, peaceful life they are worthy and deserving of receiving.
I see clients face-to-face in my Cheshire office as well as young people all over the planet with my tele-video (Skype) hypnosis. Contact me today for your free 20-minute consultation either by phone or tele-video. Fill out the form below to get started!