The answer is “yes, yes and yes.”
I have many success stories of helping my clients lose weight and increase their activity level. So how can this work for you?
A good way for you to look at hypnosis for weight reduction is the same way you look at your weight gain.
Here is an example of how you have hypnotized yourself into gaining weight and not being able to lose it…
You look in the mirror and get on the scale and here are the hypnotic suggestions you give yourself. “I am fat.” Looking in the mirror you say “Oh my God I can’t believe how fat I am and how bad I look.”
Hypnosis and self-perceptions
Regardless of the amount of weight you have to reduce, your perception of the way you look is not always how others see you.
We are our own worse critics!
The first thing you need to avoid is comparing yourself to anyone else except you! It is important to take time each day and sit quietly and relax. In the theater of your mind show yourself a movie about the end result. See yourself at the weight you want and desire not the current image of the heavier self you see in the mirror.
It is time to de-hypnotize yourself of the terrible images of you being overweight. It is time for you to de-hypnotize yourself from the terrible things people may have said regarding your weight.
Now let’s take time to replace the negative with the positive!
Hypnosis and your subconscious mind
This is where I show you how hypnosis works for weight loss.
Our subconscious mind is there to do anything we ask it with our conscious mind. When you are in hypnosis it is a great time to allow the conscious mind to take a break while we tell the subconscious what is important to you. You are ready to be back in a smaller size. Maybe increasing activity levels while reducing the portion of food you normally consume.
These messages are tailored to your specific weight reduction needs.
Hypnosis works without the struggle of harsh diets.
Your subconscious mind already knows what to do in order to reduce your weight. I had a young woman from Chicago who needed to reduce herself down two dress sizes prior to her wedding. We worked together for 4 weeks and she lost 12 pounds. She continued to reduce and met her goal. We did her hypnosis sessions through Skype and she was just as successful as my clients who see me in my office.
Her advantage was that she was able to relax in her own environment and did not have to take time from her busy schedule to go to an office appointment.
I have other clients who I work with directly on the telephone with tele-hypnosis and all of these methods are just as effective as in person sessions.
How hypnosis works
Hypnosis works by relaxation and direct suggestions being accepted by your subconscious mind.
These words will reach your subconscious mind when you are in hypnosis regardless how you hear the message. Radio commercials are hypnotizing us daily and we are not in the studio when they are talking with us.
In fact, some of the best hypnosis to keep you over eating is through all the food commercials we see and hear each day. Have you ever noticed how many food commercials are shown while you are watching a half hour show? Hypnotizing you into believing you are hungry when you have had more than enough food to meet your daily caloric intake.
The subconscious mind is simply a receptor and then carries out the messages given.
Regardless of these messages being positive or negative the will be carried out.
So you are now ready to call me for a FREE evaluation to see how I can help you with your weight loss program and…
Experience hypnosis for yourself!
If you’re ready to experience the healing power of hypnosis for yourself, then contact me right now and schedule your free phone consultation.
For hypnosis in CT click the link for my office location.
And if you would prefer to have a phone or skype session click the link as well so we can set up a time for your first appointment. I have worked with hundreds of people just like you who were willing and ready to finally confront those issues that were holding them back from living life to the fullest.
And it all begins with an initial “get acquainted” call that typically lasts between 15 and 20 minutes. During our first session I will answer any and all of your questions and then I’ll outline the steps we will take together to help you finally find relief for stress once and for all.
Does that sound good to you?