A 90 year old woman stopped smoking, (yes I said 90). She quit for 26 years after a smoking habit of a pack a day for more than 60 years.

She said she had stopped before, cold turkey. However, it only lasted two days. At the recommendation of a trusted friend she decided to see if hypnosis would work.

The experience of hypnosis

She shared with me how she remembered that she never really felt hypnotized.

She also said she could remember most of what was said, and heard the hypnotist’s voice through the session. She recalls how peaceful and calm and relaxed she felt. She said she was in a deep enough trance for the message to sink into her subconscious mind.

The hypnotist told her during her session that she should never touch another cigarette. She said she was shocked how easy it was and she has never had a puff or craving since seeing the hypnotist 26 years again.

Why hypnosis works for smoking cessation

The story I just shared with you is about a woman who convinced ME hypnosis works!

That’s right.

She convinced me, a respiratory therapist, that hypnosis was a real effective form of smoking cessation. She made me think long and hard to the point where I decided to learn and study hypnosis to help others stop smoking.

That was several years ago and I have lost count of the people who no longer smoke after hypnotizing them.

This story is also your story.

You can stop at any age at any time using hypnosis. Although some people think hypnosis is mind control, or a loss of control, it is in fact taking back control over thoughts, feelings and behaviors that are no longer needed and you are ready to change.

Stopping smoking does not need to be painful.

You can stop as easily as you started. It is often like hitting a rewind button in the subconscious and you realize you never really were a smoker. That is certainly not how you were born.

For example, I had a women call me from Washington State about a year ago. She found me because of an article posted on another site (Alternative Medicine) and found out that I do Tele-Hypnosis and Skype hypnosis. We worked together for the 3 sessions of the smoking program from her cell phone using some earbuds and a comfortable place to relax.

She just recently wrote me and thanked me as she confessed she did not believe it could work over the phone. I explained to her that hypnosis takes place by using the spoken word to our subconscious mind.

This can happen anywhere, anytime, as long as you can hear me.

Now that you are ready to stop smoking call me today for a free phone consultation to find out that hypnosis will work for you! Call now. You read this article because you are ready to stop smoking and it is time.

There are no coincidences.

Ready to experience hypnosis for yourself?

If you’re not located in Connecticut no need to worry.

In fact, I’ve worked with hundreds of clients across the country — and internationally — using phone or skype for tele-hypnosis sessions. Sessions done remotely are just as effective, and successful, as my in-person sessions.

The results are the same.

Call me now for your free phone consultation (203) 490-5100, or contact me on here so we can discuss your next test taking success!