For anyone who is a new driver – young and old, there’s an exhilarating feeling that takes over when you finally pass that driver license exam and take your first ride alone in the car to get yourself to a destination. As much as driving a car is liberating and a privilege enjoyed by many, there are also some very real fears and anxieties that can come along with being out on the open road.

In this post, we’ll look more closely at why some drivers (new and experienced) have apprehensions about getting on the highway and how hypnosis can help you to overcome the issues that bring about this fear.


The fear of driving is most commonly referred to as “vehophobia” and is described as an overwhelming, persistent fear that leads someone to take great lengths to avoid situations. In terms of driving on the highway, that could mean adding lots of extra time and mileage to your commutes or even avoiding going certain places altogether because you simply cannot get onto the onramp.

For some people, the fear can be due to the high speeds at which cars are traveling on highways, for others, it’s loss of control, particularly if exits are miles apart and there is no stopping or getting off for a particular stretch.

Understanding where your anxiety is rooted is key to making changes.

How Hypnosis Helps

Just like any other phobias and anxieties in our lives, it helps to tackle the issues head-on and get to the root of the problem if you’re looking for lasting results. Hypnosis is key on this front as it helps you get into a relaxed headspace where you can reprogram your mind to overcome irrational ideas about highway driving and also insert positive emotions around the act.

Working with me you’ll start to feel the pressure lessen each time you have to get out there and drive. With practice, you’ll start to gain confidence while highway driving that will eventually lead to your comfort when using these roadways.

A combination of mental clarity and self-hypnosis along with more actual practice with freeway driving is not only a sensible and trusted approach worth taking, but it can also improve other areas of your life. It’s not fair to live your life avoiding important meetings and social gatherings or putting an unnecessary strain on relationships.

The good news is that the fear of driving on the highway is very real and it’s treatable when you work through it with a professional you can trust.

Let’s Work Together!

If you’re tired of living your life taking the long road and want to overcome this fear that you know is limiting your abilities, get in touch today! We can work together to build a personalized hypnosis schedule that works for you. You can schedule a visit to my Cheshire, CT office or we can meet virtually using Skype or Zoom. Fill out the form below to get started!