The cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is unknown currently. It is thought to be a combination of the abnormal gastrointestinal track movements combined with an increased awareness of bodily functions.
IBS varies from case-to-case but should not be taken lightly as it can cause malnutrition and further complicated illnesses. Because it appears to be a combination of the abnormal movements of the gastrointestinal tract and an increased awareness of bodily functions, it is a perfect match for hypnosis.
Hypnosis for IBS
Experts from Utrecht University agree based on the randomization-controlled trial published in the Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology that hypnosis is effective in the treatment of IBS symptoms. Scientists have found that people with IBS who took part in hypnotherapy, whether individual or group sessions, experienced improvement of symptoms, in comparison with participants from the third group. Moreover, the effect was fixed at nine months.
“We don’t know exactly how hypnotherapy works, but maybe it’s changing the mentality of patients and the mechanisms of the internal overcome, allowing increased control over the autonomic processes of the body,” said the study’s lead author, Karl Flick (Flik Carla).
There are many dietary triggers for IBS such as too much fiber in fruits and vegetables. Fried and fatty foods will also increase the symptoms of IBS. Coffee, Chocolate, Carbonated Drinks, High Fructose Corn Syrup, processed foods, and overeating large portions of food all contribute to increased symptoms of IBS.
Hypnosis works by calming the mind and the body. Because of the connection between mind and body in IBS, hypnosis can work to help control the symptoms.
Sleep is restorative to the body and without enough sleep, the body cannot heal. Hypnosis helps you to take back control of your symptoms so you can sleep better through the night- increasing your healing. Your mind heals your body and, hypnosis can even help calm the symptoms of bloating, constipation or diarrhea which are all symptoms of IBS.
Mind-Gut Connection
Hypnosis will help you to calm your mind so your gut can know to calm down. Your mind and your gut are connected. I help many of my clients with IBS by teaching them how to put themselves into hypnosis to avoid creating a dependency upon the hypnotist. I help each client to realize that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis and you have all the resources to continue to reinforce the healing we did during our sessions.
It does not matter where you are on the planet as long as you have an Internet connection, we can do hypnosis. Tele-medicine is making it easy to do hypnosis now using video conferencing programs like Zoom or Skype. With telehypnosis, my clients get the same results whether it is online hypnosis or meeting face-to-face in my office in Cheshire, Connecticut.
Work with Me
Contact me NOW for a free 10-minute chat so I can understand your specific issues and discuss how hypnosis can help you to heal your IBS.