Because grief is so unique to every individual, I thought a good place to start is to offer the textbook definition of the word, “grief.”
Sidenote: I find it interesting that this word is a noun since it’s not something physical that you can touch and feel. Ironically, the word “joy” is also a noun, and yet, something you also cannot fit into a wheel barrel.
Grief is described as deep sorrow, especially caused by someone’s death. There are also several stages of grieving that are not linear in nature. They include anger, sadness, depression, bargaining, and acceptance.
Stages of Grief
Sometimes you move from one stage to the other and then digress back to other stages that you may have already experienced. Grieving is so unique that it has its own time frame and is unique to each person. There is not one “correct” way to grieve.
There are many losses that will cause grief and it is not limited to a death.
When relationships end there is a grieving process because it is a loss. We can grieve the loss of a job or of a friendship. Even smokers I’ve worked with grieve the friend they lost which was their habit. Nonetheless, still a loss.
Hypnosis for Grief
Can hypnosis help with grieving? Yes, it can! Will it erase the pain? NO!
Hypnosis will help you to cope better and work through the stages of grief. For example, there are many of my clients who claim they are less depressed after experiencing hypnosis. I have other’s I work with who were beginning to sleep too much or miss work or not participate in activities they need to get on with.
Hypnosis helps to get you “unstuck” and allows you to function again. It does not remove the feeling of sadness. Experiencing the sadness and depression are part of the healing process each person goes through. However, hypnosis can help you to work towards acceptance so you can continue to live a fulfilling life.
The Power of Self-Hypnosis
In all my programs, each client is taught the power of self-hypnosis. You are taught how to hypnotize yourself. I believe all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. The idea is to teach you that you have always had the resources to self-hypnotize. This is important as to not create a dependency upon the hypnotist, instead of realizing you can reprogram your unconscious mind anytime, anyplace. I cannot emphasize the need to continue to reinforce neural pathways through self-hypnosis enough. It is said that it takes approximately 28 days to create new neural pathways.
So to summarize, yes, hypnosis can help you with your stages of grieving. It cannot take away your sadness, it can, however, change the way you view the situation so you can get on living again.
Work with Me
The wonderful thing about hypnosis today is that it is now part of telemedicine. That means I can do hypnosis with you wherever you are on the planet. Using tele-video (video chat) and the Internet, we can do online hypnosis from the comfort of your own home. It is equally as effective as coming to do hypnosis with me in my office in Cheshire, Connecticut.
Whatever you are grieving, let’s discuss how I can help you! CONTACT ME NOW for a FREE 10-minute phone consultation!